'Stuart Little 2 Behind The Movie (Partial) (July 17th 2005 ABC Family)'

08:04 Mar 18, 2023
'These behind the movie segments were broadcast after commercial breaks when Stuart Little 2 was broadcast on ABC Family. During the movie an ad said that Pizza My Heart was going to air next week.  It has an air date of July 24, 2005. So that would put this broadcast at July 17th 2005   Part of the first commercial break was captured. Unfortunately who ever taped the movie would stop for the next one and record back in after the behind the movie segment had started.   I recovered what I could. I am not sure if these clips were featured on DVD or not. If so please let me know and I will just post the small commercial break.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video was uploaded for the sole purpose of preservation of a piece of unique older media to keep it from becoming lost. No infringement is intended.' 

Tags: family , tape , VHS , kids , movie , Cartoon , abc , 2005 , VCR , mouse , Stuart Little 2 , behind the movie , look behind , movie extras

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