'Semma Botha Aagathey is an Indian Tamil action stoner thriller film directed by Badri Venkatesh. Dialogues are written by G.Radhakrishnan. The film stars Atharvaa, who also produces the film, while Mishti and Anaika Soti portray the leading female roles. Featuring music composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja Directed by Badri Venkatesh Produced by Atharvaa Starring Atharvaa Mishti Anaika Soti Music by Yuvan Shankar Raja Cinematography Gopi Amarnath Edited by Praveen K. L. Production company Kickass Entertainment Subscribe Uie Movies for Latest Movies : https://www.youtube.com/UIEMovies Like Us : https://goo.gl/XVrj4u https://www.facebook.com/UIEMoviesOffl/ In Association with Divo http://www.facebook.com/divomovies https://twitter.com/divomovies'
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