'Alien: Covenant: Which Movies to Watch Before | Behind the Screens'

'Alien: Covenant: Which Movies to Watch Before | Behind the Screens'
10:57 Jul 18, 2023
'More from Entertainment Tonight: http://bit.ly/1xTQtvw   ET\'s Ashley Crossan and John Boone break down the entire \'Alien\' franchise! Where does \'Alien: Covenant\' fit between \'Alien,\' \'Aliens,\' \'Alien 3,\' \'Alien: Resurrection,\' and prequel \'Prometheus\'?    Includes interviews with director Ridley Scott and Michael Fassbender, who returns as as android \'David.\' Ashely and John make their pitch for an \'interquel,\' and recap what happened to the cancelled Neill Blomkamp and Sigourney Weaver \'Alien\' sequel. This is \'Behind The Screens\'' 

Tags: News , hollywood , trailer , Ridley Scott , Entertainment Tonight , etonline , et online , et , Recap , sigourney weaver , Prometheus , et tonight , david , alien franchise , what to , covenant , Michael Fassbender , homage , Alien Covenant , ripley , new alien movie , alien covenant movie , alien covenant david , alien covenant reaction , alien covenant trailer , neomorph , alien covenant prologue , Alien Covenant 2017 , alien 2017 , alien trailer , covenant movie , interquel , et at the movies , behind the screens

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