'Predators Engineers & Aliens - COMPLETE Timeline'

'Predators Engineers & Aliens -  COMPLETE Timeline'
14:23 Jul 19, 2023
'The complete timeline of Predators Engineers and Aliens.   All Xenomorphs Explained https://youtu.be/u85NpwLXgJA  There are major plotholes if we are trying to connect predator and alien canon such as David creating xenomorphs and Weyland being alive AVP so I’ll briefly mention how these plotholes can be resolved and for the detailed explanation check out my previous video Did the engineers creat the predators. So given the fact, all 3 species exist in the same universe, here is the complete timeline of everything that happened so far on the screen.  3.2 Billion years  An extraterrestrial race the Engineers arrived on Earth and created life using a mysterious substance, which is supposedly the blood of the first deacon according to the early Prometheus script.   2 996 BC  The Predators, another extraterrestrial race arrives on Earth and teaches humans to build pyramids.  as a result pyraminds are built all across the globe in the next centuries. It’s highly likely that Engineers created Predators as one of their experiments with the black goo.  0 BC Engineers prepare to launch A ships filled with pathogen ampuls to derstoy life on Earth but the infection gets released and kills the engineers on LV223. On the top of that according to the early script, engineers decided to destroy humans because of the crusifiction of Jesus who was the last hope of humanity to stop being a violence race.  Atlantis by Audionautix (http://audionautix.com) is part of the YouTube Audio Library (https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/...) and it\'s licensed under a Creative Commons license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...).' 

Tags: alien , Ridley Scott , Prometheus , Shane Black , Predators , predator 2018 , alien covenant , engineers , avp , avp requiem , elizabeth shaw , xenomorphs , peter weyland , Predators Engineers & Aliens - COMPLETE Timeline , did the engineers create the predators , ultimate predator upgrade , predator alien complete timeline , all alien predator movies , egineers timeline , Yautja , The complete timeline of Predators Engineers and Aliens

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