'Benchmark Advance, Unit 3: Life Science, Animal Adaptations'

'Benchmark Advance, Unit 3: Life Science, Animal Adaptations'
18:59 Mar 28
'Watch as classroom teachers Marilyn Stefan and Aaron Grossman outline strategies to successfully work with Unit 3 in Benchmark Advance. After sharing their “hot tips” to increase student engagement, they describe what they like about the unit and ways they plan to blend and enhance the educational experience for their students.  3:00 Because But and So Description https://teachlikeachampion.com/blog/hochmans-sentence-expansion-activity/  3:09 Because But and So Demonstration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbJ0kzjR9lo 3:36 https://www.getepic.com 3:58 http://www.bookcreator.com 5:44 Must Do, May Do https://justtwoteachers.com/unit-1/ 14:47 Write Reader https://www.writereader.com 16:41 https://www.doodles-academy.org/projects' 

Tags: Must Do , 3rd grade , Because But and So Sentence Expansion Activity , Washoe County Schoo District , Benchmark Advance , WCSD , Get Epic , Doodles Academy , Book Creator , May Do , Life Science Animal Adaptations

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