'GameMaker Studio 2: Hearts HP Bar'

'GameMaker Studio 2: Hearts HP Bar'
17:30 Apr 23
'[--- SUPPORT ME / SOCIAL MEDIA ---] Discord: https://discord.gg/8G4kQNV Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gamemakerrob Itch: https://gamemaker-rob.itch.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RandomDude_SDu  [--- ABOUT THIS VIDEO ---]  I bring you.....    ...yet another video on a subject that nobody asked for!  This tutorial covers using an array to display hearts that change image based on how much damage we\'ve taken.  I also manage to sneak a little shaking effect in there too!  Credits ====== Music by Avgvst. Licensed CC-BY' 

Tags: tutorial , bar , Hearts , shaking , game maker , Hp Bar Tutorial , shaky , gamemaker , health bar tutorial , GameMaker Studio 2 Hearts HP Bar , gamemaker rob , gamemaker 2 , game maker 2 , hearts bar tutorial , shaky hearts bar tutorial

See also:

