'What is the Science Behind The Interstellar Movie (Time Dilation)'

'What is the Science Behind The Interstellar Movie (Time Dilation)'
00:58 Feb 27, 2022
'While we were on the topic of Einstein\'s Theory of Relativity, we couldn\'t help but think about one of the sci-fi movies we saw, Christopher Nolan\'s Interstellar. We were wondering what is the Science behind it specifically, time dilation.  Catch up on all The FLIP SIDE Podcast EPISODES right NOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oop6lPOUT0Y&list=PL5zTv0K7OMNPcb2a7WkmJvx648xSlOw34  #andymai #theflipside #Shorts' 

Tags: new , trending , top , video , movie , YouTube , Series , movies , podcast , shorts , episode , christopher nolan , video podcast , interstellar , side , Top podcast , recent , flip , Matthew mcconaughey , #shorts , YouTube Video , albert einstein , theory of relativity , YouTube shorts , time dilation , interstellar movie , watch now , best podcast , youtube podcast , flip side , chris nolan , chris nolan movies , what is the science , science behind interstellar , einstein's theory of relativity , listen now

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