38:21 Oct 5, 2020
Order 66 was an event at the end of the Clone Wars in which the clones of the Grand Army of the Republic turned against their Jedi commanders and terminated them, bringing about the destruction of the Jedi Order. The event was triggered by Clone Protocol 66, an order implanted into the clones by the Sith Lords and Kaminoan scientists who created the clone army. The protocol caused clone troopers to violently lash out at the Jedi and view them as threats, and was controlled by a bio-chip implanted into the clones during their creation; the chip could control the behavior of the clones and ensure total obedience. The conspiracy, led by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine—secretly Darth Sidious—and Count Dooku, was nearly exposed when the chip belonging to clone trooper Tup malfunctioned, but all who learned of the conspiracy were killed.  Animation: Dino5500 Special thanks: Raptor5120  Subscribe, comment and rate! Find me on facebook, twitter and G+ !  Music by Kevin MacLeod (  Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 

Tags: 3d , blender , animation , Star Wars , Lego , star , wars , order , clone , rebels , 66 , Dino5500 , Raptor5120

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